Reptile Shipping & Delivery

We’re based in the UK and use licensed animal couriers to deliver reptiles safely to our customers.

UK delivery

England or Wales

Our animal courier currently charges £55 £65 to addresses in England or Wales.

The time it takes to deliver a reptile or animal depends on the courier’s schedule and delivery slots available.

Sometimes they can deliver in just 2 days from the time we book them, while other times they can take around 2 weeks.

If you choose to have a reptile delivered to you we’ll be in touch after you place your order to discuss everything.


Our animal courier currently charges £80 £90 to addresses in Scotland up to and including Dundee.

They charge £120 £130 to addresses above Dundee, up to Inverness. They don’t currently deliver to addresses above Inverness.

Northern Ireland

Our animal courier currently charges £220 to addresses in Northern Ireland.

Isle of Wight

Our animal courier currently charges £120 to addresses in Isle of Wight.

Europe delivery

We can deliver animals to addresses in Europe via DDI (Dutch Dragon Import).

Fees start at £120 for up to 5 animals.

Please contact us for exact fees and to arrange it.

USA delivery

We can deliver animals to addresses in the USA via DDI (Dutch Dragon Import). Please contact us for exact fees and to arrange it.

Just choose Animal Delivery at checkout

After you’ve entered a shipping address you’ll have the option to choose Animal Delivery during checkout…

Free pickup in-store

Each reptile listed on our website tells you which of our UK shops it’s currently in.

You can order the reptile or animal here on our secure website, then during checkout choose free in-store pickup.

You’ll get an immediate purchase confirmation email receipt.

Our reptile shop locations page tells you where our physical stores are.

For your convenience, we may be able to transfer the reptile you want to one of our other shops that’s closer to you.

Got a question for us?

Use the button in the bottom corner of this page and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks!